
Career, Me

Choose to Win

Choose to win. Choose to be better, every day. Try harder -- put in the effort and the hard work to make...

Written by Amy C · 1 min read >
Choose to Win - Heart Hackers Club -  - Art Canvas

Just when you think that life is steady and predictable, the universe throws a cosmic curve ball at you. Last month I was laid off – I was told my position was eliminated and that the office was moving to New York. Call it corporate restructuring, a career transition — but really, whatever pretty words you try to name it, the bottom line was, I’d be unemployed.

In my near decade long career, I’ve been hired, fired, recruited and promoted. Similarly, I’ve made decisions to hire, fire, recruit and demote corporate colleagues. Regardless of what side of the corporate bench I’ve been on, I like to think I’ve played fair. By that I mean acted with class and respect. I’ve come to embrace the one reality of business that no schooling or mentoring can really prepare you for. You can give your all to a company; call corporate peers your friends and family, but you can’t change the simple facts. You are a number. You come with a price tag. And as quickly as you can be promoted, you can be tossed in the “position eliminated” pile. Nothing personal – it really isn’t. Business decisions are made to benefit the company, and sometimes this comes at your expense.

I’ve come to learn you cannot control how others react or conduct themselves. All you can do is stick to your values and principles. Always act with professionalism, grace and dignity when faced with a career challenge. Challenges are actually blessings in disguise. They stop you in your comfort zone and give you the opportunity to grow. It’s in these moments that you can choose to be a winner or a loser. The only difference between the two is the attitude and perspective in which you choose to see things.

I decided this time that not for a second, would I allow a “woe is me” attitude to control me. From my experience so far, these challenges — be it a breakup or a career change — always happen for a reason. When one door closes, it’s because another is meant to open. If you are caught up in feeling negative, blaming or playing victim — you may just miss that next door.

Some words of advice a wise friend recently shared with me: “in your career, you always have to be ‘moving water.’ Be it a flowing river, or the crashing waves of the ocean — always be moving. The minute water stops moving and stays still, it begins to rot. This is true in your career growth. The minute you stop learning, stop growing and stop facing challenges, your energy, creativity and zest begins to die slowly.

Choose to win. Choose to be better, every day. Try harder — put in the effort and the hard work to make things happen for you. Aim further. If you settle for less or put a limit to how far you can go — you will always stay within those self-created confines.

To resilience. To the choices we get that will ultimately shade our lives in gray or in bright, vibrant colors. To the people who’s unwavering support and belief empower you to never doubt your value. To the challenges that enable us to grow bigger, better and stronger. To moving water.

Want to get over your breakup?

Get the Breakup Guide workbook. The Renew Breakup Guide will walk you through the entire process of healing from heartbreak, step by step. For only $14, the guide is packed with 60 pages of tools, exercises, and worksheets to help you repair your heart and move forward. Get it now.

Written by Amy C
Amy Chan is the Founder of Renew Breakup Bootcamp, a retreat that takes a scientific and spiritual approach to healing the heart. Marie Claire calls her "A relationship expert whose work is like that of a scientific Carrie Bradshaw" and her company has been featured across national media including Good Morning America, Vogue, Glamour, Nightline along with the front page of The New York Times. Her book, Breakup Bootcamp - The Science of Rewiring Your Heart, published by Harper Collins, will be released Fall 2020. Profile
Stop Asking People To Work For Free - Heart Hackers Club - work for free - Breakup Bootcamp: The Science of Rewiring Your Heart

Stop Asking People To Work For Free

Amy Chan in Career
  ·   3 min read

6 Replies to “Choose to Win”

  1. great attitude Amy. You’re going to land a bigger and better scenario that supports your growth and evolution professionally and personally.

  2. Great Column Amy. I love your positive attitude towards life! Great job, your writing gave me a new way of thinking in this tough time…

  3. Dear Amy,

    You have no idea how much your words of wisdom have made an impact on me. You remind me that I’m not the only one who gets caught up in the whirlwind of life’s blows, and that I have the choice in the attitude to confront them and grow from them. I have a lot of free time now that it’s summer and every chance I get I just sit down open up my laptop, and happily read all your articles, trying to absorb every word, every lesson, and all the advice and reassurance I’ve been wanting to hear so bad. It’s truly amazing what you do, and I admire you so much for being such a strong, selfless person who isn’t afraid to be vulnerable in a society where vulnerability is seen as “weakness.” In just a couple days you taught me how to handle my outlook on relationships and to recognize my self-worth, which is something that I can easily forget when life puts me in a tough spot.
    You inspire me in so many ways, and in such a short period of time, I’ve decided to view you as a role model, because I too want to be a successful, empowered woman when I grow up AND a writer. So, thank you.

    Your words go much appreciated,
    You are a beautiful person inside and out, and a very talented writer.

    -Anaregina 🙂

    1. Hi Anaregina,

      Wow, what a heartfelt comment. Thank you so much for reading and for taking the time to write me that. It’s people like you that make me want to keep writing, sharing and expressing. It’s my hope that through my articles I can help others in some way.

      Sending you light and love on your journey.


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